Saturday, April 16, 2011

Epic fail

Last night we cooked dinner again at Missy's house. Fajitas this time! We were very Argentine and went to the verdudaria and got fruits and veggies, and then the pastelaria to get desert (delicious). We went to the grocery story to get the rest, but we still felt very authentic. Its funny because even though we are in a hispanic country, they dont really eat fajitas here: guess it's just a Mexican food. We cooked them for Anita (Missy's mom's friend who was taking care of Missy while Dora was out of town) and her granddaughter.

All I have to say, is that I love the people here. Love them. 
We hung out with her granddaughter, Augustina, who is 15 and had a great time. She asked to take a picture of us while we were cooking- which was a nice change because we are usually the ones taking the pictures!  She stayed and watched a movie with us until 2:45 in the morning, even though she had school the next morning. I've decided that the people in this country never sleep. Its a fact.

The BEST part of that night was after the movie when Missy was walking Taylor out to meet the cab. Unfortunately I didn't get the privilege of seeing this, but the story is still worth telling. 
To preface, Missy's mom breeds dogs, usually boxers and at time hounds, so she has 4 dogs at her house. [now that all the puppies have been sold:( ] Two of the dogs are very sweet and nothing to worry about, but the other two are a different story. Whenever Missy comes home, she has to stand outside the gate and push the intercom bell for her mom to call the dogs into the garage and put them in their crates, because her mom wont let her be in the yard with the dogs. Last night, since her mom was out of town, and Anita goes to bed early, we had a bit of a problem. 
It was about 3 in the morning and Missy was walking taylor out to meet the cab to take Taylor home. The walk from her front door to the gate probably takes about 1 minute, but about 30 seconds in Missy remembered that the two mean dogs were out. She heard them coming up behind her and just took off sprinting toward the gate, leaving Taylor with her bookbag to follow her lead. Missy ran to the gate and just jumped it (the gate is over waist high and a little hard to jump over without a big running start) and only when she was safe on the other side did she remember that Taylor was still behind her, she looked back to see Taylor run up to the gate, and try to jump it, but since she had a bookbag on she only made it half way, and she ended up a little like this I'm guessing:   

I would have loved to have been the taxi driver waiting on the other side of that gate :)

She called me and I had to call the dogs back to the house and try to distract them while Missy ran back and jumped onto the porch. Hilarious. 

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