Thursday, February 3, 2011

This is really happening.

To start this blog I should preface that I have never "blogged" before. I admit that this whole week I have been hearing songs or seeing quotes that i think "I should put that in my blog!" so be prepared. 
I am currently sitting in the Atlanta airport waiting for flight number two. Being the procrastinator that I am, I have not really let it hit me that I am leaving the country. I have been preparing for weeks, but as I sit here waiting in the airport, I am finally realizing that I am doing this! As I say this I find myself starting to smile. This morning as my mom was checking me in and getting my luggage situated the sky cap asked if I was an unaccompanied minor. Awesome. In my defense I didn't have my makeup on yet because I figured I would cry it off, but still aren't unaccompanied minors are like 14 and under? ouch.

Now I am waiting in JFK with two other girls from the trip. Besides going to the wrong terminal and then waiting in line for 25 mins for a flight to Ireland before i realized that that was not the flight I was looking for, everything went smoothly! 

As hard as it was to say goodbye to friends, family, bouie, and soon english, I am excited. I am excited to see what the Lord has planned for me. I am excited to get out of my routine and experience life in a completely new setting. I am excited to to forced shut my mouth and listen. To learn to love on people in a completely new way.

This morning on the flight from Charleston I was listening to my ipod and the first song that came on was Lay em Down by NeedtoBreathe. I love it when the Lord talks to me through simple things like this. The part of the song that stuck out to me was " we're all tied to the same old failings, finding shelter in the things we know". This trip is going to be a way for me to forced out of my shelter, and into the open. Into the open where life is not lived in a bubble of friends, family, and comfort. In the open where life is going to be hard, really hard, but all the more worth it. The more I struggle down there whether it be with the language, my classes, meeting new people, or missing home, I will know all the more that He is working in me. Teaching me, molding me, shaping me into the person he has made me to be. 
I am so excited for these next 5 months! Pray that I will have a wonderful family and that they will accept me in as one of theirs! Pray that I pick up the language quickly, and when it takes me months to feel comfortable, pray for patience and comfort to know that I will get it eventually. Pray that I stop worrying so much about everything and have fun! More than anything though, pray that I  will lean not on my own understanding, because I can garuntee you I will not understand anything for a while. :)

Hasta luego!

"I will climb this mountain with my hands wide open."

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